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Ideation Techniques

Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is a visual brainstorming technique used to organize information and ideas around a central concept. It helps in generating, visualizing, structuring, and classifying ideas, making complex problems easier to understand and solve collaboratively.



Mind Mapping is relatively easy to set up and execute, requiring minimal resources.



It is a straightforward technique that most team members can participate in without prior training.


  1. Start with a Central Idea: Place the main concept or problem at the center of a large board or digital tool.

  2. Branch Out: Draw branches leading out from the central idea to represent different sub-topics or related aspects.

  3. Add Keywords and Images: On each branch, add keywords, short phrases, and images that relate to the sub-topic. This enhances memory and creativity.

  4. Expand Further: Branch out further from each sub-topic with more specific details or ideas.

  5. Encourage Participation: Allow all team members to contribute their ideas and thoughts, expanding the mind map collaboratively.

  6. Review and Organize: Once the map is developed, review it to identify connections, insights, and potential solutions.


  • Facilitates a better understanding of relationships between different aspects of a problem.

  • Enhances creativity through visual thinking and the associative thought process.

  • Helps in organizing and prioritizing ideas effectively.


  • Can become cluttered and hard to follow if not well-organized, especially with complex topics.

  • Requires everyone to be actively engaged and contributing, which may be challenging in larger groups.

  • May need facilitation to ensure all relevant areas are explored without going off-topic.


UI/UX Designer, Engineering, Product Manager, Marketing


  • A comprehensive visual map of ideas and how they relate to the central problem.

  • A clearer understanding of the problem's facets and potential solutions.

  • Documentation of the mind map for further analysis and development.

Mind Mapping is an effective tool for teams to collaboratively explore ideas and solve problems in a structured yet flexible manner. It is particularly useful in the initial stages of a project to ensure a thorough exploration of the problem space and creative possibilities.

Stay tuned for an upcoming template.

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