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1 on 1: Weekly Check In

The purpose of the Weekly Check-In is to maintain consistent communication, track the progress of ongoing projects, address any immediate challenges, and plan for upcoming tasks. These meetings are crucial for aligning on priorities, reinforcing successes, and correcting course where necessary.

For Manager and Team Member: Enables managers to provide support and guidance while staying informed on the team member’s progress and challenges.

For Peer-Level Individuals: Offers a structured opportunity for peers to coordinate their efforts, share updates, and offer mutual support.

Weekly Meeting


  • Promotes regular communication and quick resolution of issues.

  • Keeps projects on track and aligned with broader goals.

  • Builds accountability and support within the team.


  • Can become routine and unproductive without proper focus and preparation.

  • May be seen as micromanaging if not handled with a balance of oversight and autonomy.

  • Requires commitment to a regular schedule, which might be challenging during particularly busy periods.


Pre-Meeting Preparation:

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