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Dog, Rice & Chicken

Ever found yourself in the middle of a team-building exercise, wondering what its real-world application could possibly be? Fear not, because the "Dog, Rice & Chicken" exercise is here to challenge your team's problem-solving skills, communication, and strategic planning in a way that's both fun and deeply relevant to the complexities of project management and teamwork. This exercise promises an engaging and thought-provoking experience that will leave your team more connected and insightful about the dynamics of collaboration and decision-making.

Dog Rice and Chicken

The core goal of "Dog, Rice & Chicken" is to enhance team collaboration through a challenging problem-solving scenario. It requires participants to communicate effectively, strategize collectively, and make decisions that consider multiple variables and potential outcomes. This exercise is an excellent metaphor for project management and resource allocation, offering a vivid demonstration of the importance of planning, foresight, and teamwork.


Set up a private communication channel for each team. This can be a Slack channel, a WhatsApp group, or any platform that your team prefers for quick and efficient communication. Prepare a brief storyline and explanation of the rules. Ensure clarity about the constraints: the farmer can carry only one item at a time, and certain items cannot be left together unsupervised.

How to Run the Exercise

Introduction: Present the scenario to the participants. A farmer needs to get a dog, rice, and a chicken across a river but can only carry one at a time. The dog cannot be left alone with the chicken, and the chicken cannot be left alone with the rice.

Team Formation: Divide the participants into teams of three. Assign one person in each team the role of the farmer, while the others take on the role of villagers.

Problem-Solving Phase: Teams retreat to their private communication channels to discuss and devise their strategy for getting all items across the river safely. Encourage creativity and outside-the-box thinking.

Presentation and Selection: Each team presents their solution to the "farmer" (facilitator). The farmer evaluates the solutions based on creativity, feasibility, and efficiency.

Debrief: Discuss the various strategies that were proposed. Highlight the importance of strategic planning, foresight, and teamwork in solving complex problems.

The "Dog, Rice & Chicken" exercise is more than just a fun and engaging team-building activity; it's a mirror reflecting the complexities and challenges of teamwork in a real-world context. Through this exercise, your team will gain valuable insights into the importance of communication, strategic planning, and collective problem-solving. It's an excellent reminder that, much like in the challenge, the success of any project or task relies on the ability to navigate constraints and make decisions that benefit the collective goal.


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